


Small Business


Here are links to various associates and organizations who deal with Business Continuity, Risk Management, Insurance and Disaster and Emergency Management.

HZX Business Continuity Planning - HZX Business Continuity Planning is an experienced group of certified professionals specializing in Business Continuity Planning (BCP) and Disaster Recovery. -

Pegasus Emergency Management Consortium (EMC) Corp - Pegasus Emergency Management Consortium (EMC) Corp. believes that each client has unique capacity and emergency-focused needs. Therefore, each client and emergency-related project requires a specific combination of skill-sets and expertise as well as a tailor-made solution. Pegasus EMC strives to enhance the capacity of its clients to overcome emergencies and crises. It delivers its services by assembling its team to quickly and effectively meet each client’s needs.

Disaster Recovery Information Exchange - The Disaster Recovery Information Exchange (DRIE), along with its affiliates the Business Continuity Management Information Exchange (BCMIE) and le Réseau d’Échange en Continuité des Opérations (RÉCO-QUÉBEC), is a non-profit association of professionals dedicated to the exchange of information on all aspects of business continuity management, from emergency response to the resumption of business as normal.

DRI Canada - DRI CANADA was incorporated as a not-for-profit, member based, organization in 1996 to: Provide education, based on continuity management professional practices, to individuals and organizations in Canada. Provide a certification system based on professional practices attesting to the knowledge and experience of continuity management professionals. Promote the credibility and professionalism of our members

BCI Canada – Founded in 1994, The Business Continuity Institute’s mission is to promote the art and science of Business Continuity Management worldwide. Nearly 4000 members, working in 85+ countries in each quarter of the globe, are drawn from all business sectors including Finance, Government, Health, Retail Technology, Consultancy, Communications, the Forces and Emergency Services and Manufacturing.

Ontario Risk and Insurance Management Society – ORIMS (Ontario Risk and Insurance Management Society) is the largest RIMS chapter in Canada. Incorporated in 1960 it has over 330 corporate and 190 Associate members. The chapter strives to be one of the pre-eminent chapters in all of RIMS through its chapter leading newsletter the PULSE and regular professional development activities. -

Canadian Centre for Emergency Preparedness - The Canadian Centre for Emergency Preparedness (CCEP) is a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering the development of a disaster resilient Canada by preparing small business, non-profit organizations, and the Disaster Management professional.

Canadian Risk and Hazards Network - The CRHNet is a not-for-profit organization that was established in 2003 in response to a growing demand to promote and strengthen disaster risk reduction and emergency management in Canada. The Network creates an environment in which the hazards research, education and emergency management practitioner communities can effectively share knowledge and innovative approaches that reduce disaster vulnerability.

The Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction - The Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction (ICLR) is a world-class centre for multi-disciplinary disaster prevention research and communications. The ICLR was established by Canada’s property and casualty (p&c) insurance industry as an independent, not-for-profit research institute affiliated with the University of Western Ontario